Link Love for 24 January 2018

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Thoughts on this week:

What I’m Reading in real life: This week, I was super excited to reread, yet again, Anzaldua's Borderlands to prepare to teach it to my lit class. Such a great read and I really feel like she's writing just to my soul. 

What I’m watching: Still re-watching Full House

What I’m listening to: Music by my friend, M.'s brother's band, The Tillers

What else I’m digging: Zera Coffee, my temporary home while Jupiter House is being fixed up


My Writing

This week: 30 by 30: Looking Towards the Future: My list of things to do before I turn 30. 


What I read this week:

This week's topic: The Morning Routine: My friend, Mina, and I are working on setting morning and evening routines that allow us to be more productive without falling into the pit of social media. Here is some of my research on the topic:


Reading and Bibliophilia:

  • Middle Grade Review: Erasable (Texas Girl Reads): This book looks great! I love YA novels. Sort of like the next generation of A Wonderful Life, no? 



Life in General:

Tough and Awkward Topics: 

Academia, Education, and Teaching: 

  • Disorientations: On Disability in Graduate School (Medical and Health Humanities): This is a great article that touches on a topic close to my heart. "Part of learning to write my dissertation was also learning to navigate disorientation and its unexpected contours of pain linked directly to the act of scholarly labor itself. Disability’s (ar)rhythms often clash with the academy’s relentless temporality that frequently makes costly demands upon my physical and affective resources." I definitely relate. 

  • 18 Awesome Higher Ed Social Media You Should be Following (Workzone): I can't help but notice that none of my schools are listed, but it's great that these institutions have figured out social media!

Simplicity and Minimalism:

  • Casita Vibes (Very That): The artist behind one of my favorite etsy shops reflects here on paring down to the basics and cleaning 40 years of belongings out her family home. Simple reflection, but beautiful. 

Environmentalism, Farming, Food, Health, and Nutrition:


  • Are Dogs Self-Aware? (Daily Treat): Okay, so I don't care what science says--Gary is self-aware and super smart and amazing. Disagree and I will fight you.