What I read this week and some other things

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Things are finally starting to calm down around here. I spent the last couple days with Andrew and Anna, which was really great. Hope you all are enjoying this last week of May!

My Writing

Two years ago: Retreat, A Rule of Life, and Letting Go (Spiritual Uprising)

What I read this week:

Popery (Catholicism/Spirituality/Religion):

  • A Letter from Fr. Richard Rohr: Although this letter is inviting us to a conference, I think that reading the way Fr. Rohr talks about the election is important. "If we do not own our fears, they will continue to manipulate our politics, culture, and religion, reinforcing a polarized and divided society. Time is much too precious—for each individual life and for our planet as a whole. We must bring as much passion to our cause as do those who call for building walls. But our job is to tear down walls." I invite you to read the rest. 

  • The Catholic Church’s Drinking Problem (Millenial): Reading this article reminds me of a man who came to speak at UD Campus Ministry's Dinner and Discourse and talked about how alcohol can be sacramental, but it can also be addicting and damaging. In the Catholic Church, we have a definite drinking problem. I'm interested in what you, my friends and readers, think. 

  • Dorothy Day: Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History (Ignatian Solidarity Network): I love Dorothy Day. "The prospect of Day as a modern-day saint would give young Catholic women many things to chew on. In a world focused on telling young girls to look pretty in Photoshop selfies or that their self-worth is measured by internet followers, it is important for young women to have a role model who is hard-working, smart, and selfless. Day is a fantastic role model because she was marked by the virtues of Christ—justice, mercy, compassion, and love. When I think of what kind of woman I want to be, Dorothy Day comes to mind. In deed and word, she illustrated that Catholic leadership is not limited to men, but open for all. Canonizing Day would also show women and men that sainthood is an attainable feat for all, not reserved for some. Through her conversion story, Day represents all of us as sinners in need of grace." I hope they do canonize her. 

  • Vatican PR aide warns Catholic blogs create ‘cesspool of hatred’ (Crux Now): An interesting point. I think that a lot of the time I'm easily angered by the things that Catholic Bloggers write and this is why--“Often times the obsessed, scrupulous, self-appointed, nostalgia-hankering virtual guardians of faith or of liturgical practices are very disturbed, broken and angry individuals, who never found a platform or pulpit in real life and so resort to the Internet and become trolling pontiffs and holy executioners!” I hope that I am never accused of this, but God knows I've been attacked for enough of the orthodox, yet "liberal" things that I post. Ugh.  

  • Dear Church (A Frank Letter From A Queer Christian) (Nomad): This is beautiful, familiar, heart-wrenching. 

  • Pope Francis might jettison idea of a ‘just war’ (Crux Now): About time. 


Paperbacks (Reading, Books, and Writing):

Life in General:

Tough and Awkward Topics: 

  • We Weren’t That Resilient (Maureen O'Leary): This is an important reminder for people who complain about "young people these days" and how weak or sensitive they are. We really weren't that resilient. I think about this a lot, working with my students I see a lot of brokenness. They're no more broken than we were, though, and they have a hell of a lot more hope and desire to change the world. 
  • Banging on the doors of bigotry (Socialist Worker): I don't know very much about DePaul, other than that I have former students who considered going there. However, I think that what's happening there is a microcosm for what's happening in the larger political arena. Something to consider. Note: This is not an objective source. Do your own research, too. 

  • Let's Talk About the Toxic Way South Korea Is Handling its Rape Problem (Vice): Trigger warning. 

To Make You Smile:

Academia, Education, and Teaching: 


  • 4th Grader Comes Home With Disturbing News—Then Mom Realizes Her “Worst Nightmare” Is Coming True (Faith It): I think this is an important. "It’s simply not enough to instruct your children to “Be Nice!” You’ve got to be more specific than that. Kids think if they aren’t being outright unkind, they are being nice. We know better." There are a lot of "good" kids growing up to be bullies because no one teaches them compassion. We say "be nice," but nice isn't real. Teach kids to be kind. 

  • What I Teach My Teenage Daughter In Response To Her School’s Sexist Dress Code (Patheos): This is important. Teaching kids that they have control over their bodies and that they cannot cause someone else to be distracted (sin) is crucial to creating a world where rape-culture isn't a thing. 

  • I Don’t Want Obedient Children (Love, Joy, Feminism): This article is great in pointing out that the tradition of children being ever-obedient, unquestioning, seen and not heard, is detrimental to the adults that the children grow up to be. I appreciated this quote: "My husband often says that he’s not raising children, he’s raising adults. After all, our job as parents is to prepare our children for adulthood, not simply to mitigate the challenges of raising children in the here and now." And I appreciate this one: "In the end, I don’t want obedient children. I want children who are curious, confident, and compassionate, children who know how to communicate effectively and value cooperation and compromise."All parents should so discern. 

What I Read This Week: Friday Link Love for April 15, 2016

Hey, friends! I'm so tired this week, as I'm sure you can understand. I have piles upon piles of work to grade and do and I've been in and out of meetings all week, which means I haven't done it! But even with all the work and things on my to-do list, this week I am so grateful for a wonderful group of friends and a great administration here at the UNT English Department. Last night, I was really blessed to spend some time with old friends from college at the Galbraith Lecture at UD. That was a nice break from the crazy. 

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What I Read and Wrote over Spring Break: A Couple Weeks in Review

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

What I wrote this week:

What I read this week:

Popery (Catholicism/Spirituality/Religion):

  • Jesus was a Protester (Sojourners): I am honored to be associated with a group of womens religious that has members who have been in jail for protesting, who protest and are activists and stand up for the Gospel. I think that people who get upset about "protesters" haven't read enough about the great protester, Jesus. I love this article for pointing this out. 

  • The Four Arguments for Affirming Same-Sex Marriages (Experimental Theology): Whether or not you agree with these arguments, I think they are really important for you to read. The arguments are strong and can help with dialogue between the two sides of this argument as well as leading to a more deepened understanding. 


  • Left-handedness And The Greatest Insult Of All (The Pen Addict): Although this is an older post, I have only just read it. I love this reflection on left-handedness. Although I am a righty, my mom is a lefty and it makes me more aware of it. What hand do you write with?

  • What Makes The Stationery Community Great (The Pen Addict): This is particularly meaningful for me this morning. Yesterday, I went to a pen meet up and was reminded, again, how much I love this community. Great people! This is a wonderful reflection on a community that welcomes anyone and everyone to its ranks. 

  • How Handwriting Sharpens Your Mind (Huffington Post): I love this article. It's very informative about how writing by hand is different from other tasks and uses a different part of the brain. Check it out! 

Paperbacks (Books and Writing):

Life in General:

  • Your Great-Great Grandparents Didn’t Sleep Like You (And Here’s Why) (The Vintage News): This is kind of interesting. I wonder how this would work out for some of us who have problems getting enough sleep.

  • How I Forgot Myself And Ended Up With A Miserable UTI (Ravishly): I'm not lying when I say that I know this feeling exactly. It's so easy to get seriously ill when you're paying attention to everyone else's needs. The exact first moment when I realized I needed to leave Indiana? Driving myself to the urgent care when I could barely stand. I was severely dehydrated and ended up with a UTI--all because I was trying to run welcome week without help.  

  • While Atlanta was a Burnin' (Appalachian Ink): I adore how this woman writes. She writes with so much honesty that I can't help but love her, even if we don't see eye to eye on everything. But I have to say, I have never heard a more true statement than this about life in a mountain culture: "With no industry comes no work, and with no work comes despair, and with despair comes the dope." And this paragraph, too, is true, though I might see it a little different: "And the churches, they have cropped up everywhere in this town and others like it, and another springs up just about every week, passing around collection plates and letting poor folks know without saying so that it’s better to invest in the next life than this one. They buy prayers instead of supper, and they go to bed hungry for good news." Even as a Christian and former minister, I've seen this all too often in my hometown. I love her message. Read her writing, I promise it soothes the soul. 

  • Choose to Hear Love Instead (Scribbles and Crumbs): I love this article and I appreciate the message. Sometimes people don't know what to say. You have to choose to hear love instead. 

  • 17 More Times Feminists Had The Perfect Comeback (Buzz Feed): This might be one of the best things I've read in a long time. 

Be Aware:

To make you Laugh:

Education and Teaching:

  • he infrastructure that supports a dissertation is ridiculous. (Mel Chua): This totally awesome article is written by my good friend, Mel. I think it is really important to think about the infrastructure required for academics to succeed. Yes, we need lots of willpower, but we also need support. I wouldn't get very far without my friends, my librarian, and my access to materials. 
  • Why do academics drink so much? (The Guardian): As a PhD student who spends a significant amount of time not just at her own institution, but also at her alma mater, I have to say: this article hits the nail on the head. We are constantly drinking. As someone who prefers not to drink at all, but most especially not around people she works with, I often feel out of the loop. 

  • Cheer up, my academic colleagues! We're so lucky to do this job (The Guardian): I really appreciate this article. I am often exhausted and overwhelmed, but I realize how lucky I am to have such a cool life. I hang out with college students and talk about grammar. What could be better?

  • Positive Strategies to Avoid Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout (edutopia): I have been struggling with this a lot lately and have been afraid of burning out because of how much work is on my plate. I think that these strategies will help a lot. I hope they help you, too!

  • The Conference Manifesto (New York Times): It's ironic for me to post this just after posting my own mini-explanation of the academic conference, but I think that this article is on point. 

  • The Life Of Overwhelmed College Students As Told By Friends (Odyssey): This was just too cute (and real for undergrads) to not share. 

Simplicity and Minimalism:

Environmentalism, Farming, Food, Health, and Nutrition:


Link Love Friday- Christmas Edition

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Merry Christmas! For those of you taking a break from the stress of holidays and family by escaping to the web (or those of you reading this after Christmas), here are some great articles that can help you reflect. This is a day late, but worth the wait. 


Simplicity/ Minimalism





  • Horsepower vs. Horse Power: Which Wins? (Modern Farmer) This is a fascinating article about how a lot of sustainable farmers are moving back to relying on teams of horses. I've been interested in this for a while. "Leslie believes farming with draft animals can create a “truly regenerative agriculture” that can help humans reclaim their place in the fabric of life. “Those who farm this way are engaged in relationship. At its best, this relational quality can further enhance the qualities that have made us most human; qualities such as trust, loyalty, and empathy. A relationship with a horse, even a practical working relationship, can change your way of seeing and relating to the world,” he says."
  • Is Eating Lettuce Really Worse For The Environment Than Eating Bacon? (Modern Farmer) This is an interesting article about a new study from Carnegie Mellon.